Reasons we must protect the Technoparc wetlands and adjacent federal lands
Canadian beaver
Photo: Ilana Block
- In order to sustain the integrity of the wetlands, forests and fields which are interconnected in an ecosystem offering a great biodiversity of plants and wildlife, especially birds and invertebrates;
- To protect one of the last large-scale wetlands on the Island of Montreal;
- To educate Montrealers about the importance of protecting wildlife. The creation of a wetland interpretation center would have an valuable educational vocation. The protected territory could become an ecotourism center. The Wetlands Interpretation Center could be located near the Montreal Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau/YUL International Airport benefiting citizens throughout the country.
- This future protected urban greenspace could be protected jointly by the federal government and the City of Montreal, with the help of volunteers from TechnoparcOiseaux;
August 8, 2017
Montréal, Québec, Canada. tparcbirds@gmail.com